Monday, August 30, 2010

kiwi fruit splash.

So on Open Day i took advantage of the studio being open. And took high speed photographs with the kiwi fruit that will be an integral part of my 42 Below advertisement.
These photographs will be later composited into the final image creating more of a balance and advertising interactive photograph. So here are some i took on Saturday, i was looking for bubbles, splashes and "swoosh" sort of looks. If needed i will photoshop in some elements In Kate's Imaging class. hmmmm....

Merged 42 Below

This is a merged photograph between the "silhouette" and the exposed label.
It's just a rough merge as i haven't gone into much detail around the fine print and lining up the letters so they over-lap properly.
Im still not sure if i prefer the basic black silhouetted bottle, or the correctly exposed label. maybe once i put in the kiwi fruit it will all blend in together.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

retouching 2

so this is my second image editing.. start off with the raw image with Lightroom edits.

Photoshop cs5 enables selection around the hair to be absolutely amazing, which i can "cut out" the model, as the background is obviously not acceptable.
The following layers include photoshopping to the face and clothing with the new background. Using a combination of clone, dodge, blur and patch this is the final edit.

Monday, August 23, 2010

42 Below

42 Below is a top shelf Vodka from New Zealand.
I chose the Kiwi flavour as i can create a composite image including kiwi fruit sliced up and using flash equipment and a fish tank (or similar) to create an advertising image.
So i needed to start with a base image. This is the bottle. I started off with a vague idea of what lighting i wanted, which didn't end up so great. Then with the help from Geoff i created something 10x better.
Using 3x P70's with 2x large grids, and 1x medium grid and using the "S" table, created a beautiful silhouette. Then I added a snoot from a distance to capture the label and more highlighted areas on the front.
From what Geoff was telling me, i found it extremely hard to photograph a clear bottle from both the back (to achieve a 'glowing' effect), and to also light it from the front (to get the label). So suggesting instead to light the bottle, then light the label separately and merge them together. However from looking at the computer i found i much enjoy the more silhouetted look, but this won't work very well with what i have in mind to create the composite image.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

retouching 1

This is for Imaging class with Kate Luke.
This image is my head shot image using appropriate photo-retouching. I thought because this image was a very clean, nice portrait i decided not to take the editing to "full" lengths as it would over-do the photo.
I started off with the Raw image:

Then did some minor production in Lightroom:

Following i retouched this photograph in CS5.
Exported file from Lightroom:

The first layer to edit on is the hair.
I cloned the hair from other spots and blended it in to match original hair (this is mainly visible in the fringe). Using the Dodge tool, i created nice highlights in the hair, and the Burn tool to use on the darker parts of her hair.
This layer also included minor skin adjustments, moles and blemishes using the Clone tool, and also the Dodge tool.

The 2nd layer I focused more on the skin:
This is where i "blurred" the skin on a low strength. I also used the Dodging tool and Patch tool to smooth out more areas in the skin.

The 3rd layer I focused on the eyes, wrinkles:
Using the Patch tool this removed wrinkles but remained detail and texture.

The 4th and final layer is where i played more around with "typical aesthetics", removing weight of her face and making it a bit more "magazine-looking".
This was done using the Liquify tool. Using this function can be over-used and it can also remove a lot of detail within a photograph if used too much as it is be compressed away. Also I added more texture to the left of her face using the Burn tool.

final proposal

This is my final portfolio for my time at CIT.
I will be producing a studio and a location portfolio specifically in the area of advertising/promotions.

Producing 5 images i will produce quality images using glassware.
3 of these final photographs will be composite images. The object of focus will be top shelf spirit bottles, suitable for high end advertisement.
In total the final photograph will comprise of 3-4 edited images composed into one.
The other 2 final photographs will include technical skills with movement, lighting and composition.

This portfolio will be taken in the streets of Canberra, possibly Sydney.
I will locate a local fashion designer (NOT CIT FASHION STUDENT). I am after a designer who has a "collection" of garments, which can all tie in together. Or, alternatively garments which are all unique in their own way.
These pieces will be on mannequins in the streets, high busy areas will people bustling around. And then there is the rigid mannequin in the middle of it all.
I have access to mannequins, but i am after ones that can be more interactive with their arms, maybe ones bent as though sitting.
Depending on how i am travelling with this portfolio, i will "superimpose" a model's head on to the mannequin.
There will be 5 final images in total.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Just had my first client shoot, that came to me, instead of me locating them.
Furla in Manuka wanted some production shoots for advertisement usage for Canberra Weekly.
They weren't looking for anything fancy, just plain straight up shots, white background. They werent concerned about the background as the editor of the magazine would be cropping it to just the object only.
They were after a combination of bag, bag shoe, shoe, scarf.
They offered the job to me, which came with a 4 day timeline, this of course increased my price.
I came to them with my quote and agreements and terms of usage of my photographs. This included copyright of my images being reproduced, a specific time frame to pay me, and variations in the job that may occur, penalty fees etc.

Which they happily accepted no worries. I had reservations on the price i offered them, but i thought it was quite reasonable and i am after repeat business with them in a couple months.