Monday, May 24, 2010

checkpoint photos

This shoot is a portrait/advertisement. The photograph is definately showing off the shoes. Working with the black/white imaging, the red is really a big impact and an obvious feature. But, this is still a portrait, so I have personalised this shoot by including her name.

This shoot was very complicated, and took a lot to organise all the elements. Including bathtub, the coffee beans, model and location. It did work in the end and i am extremely happy with the result. Definately going into the exhibition.
So, this is advertising coffee. It goes with the Morning coffee, cappuccino and espresso. The coffee beans are an "indulgent" coffee source, which can include liqueurs, mocha etc. I am definately going to use the 1st photograph, and adding in the end of the photograph which has been chopped off.

This shoot is advertisment/portrait. Swarovski obviously being the brand being used. The necklace, earrings and bracelet are all genuine Swarovski jewellery. A slight depth of field is nice and effective, and once again using the model's name in the photograph to "personalize" the photograph more.

A standard portrait, but using some nice props. They were lamp shades from Beacon Lighting, which generously allowed me to return them. I wanted a light feeling to the portrait so the summer dress is a nice touch with a natural smile and off-centre composure.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Re-Shoot of Red Shoes.

Much happier with these results, minus the red chair, i think these work better to emphasize the shoes more. The model's pose is more appropriate, and i have added that personal identity to the photograph by adding her name.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Standard Portait


Swarovski jewellery brand shoot.../portrait of model.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Last Coffee Shoot.

Coffee beans!!! symbolizing the use of coffee beans as an indulgent coffee source, whether it be liqueurs, mochas, Vienna's. etc. Cozmorex happily let me use 30kg of coffee beans in exchange for photos, which they will buy the rights off me to hopefully use for advertising purposes... at least this is a foot in the door to the real world!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Monday, May 3, 2010

AIPP Lectures

Kelly Tunney
AIPP Wedding Photographer

WPPI - US Photographic Organisation
- Interview took about 2 hours w/ explanation of what photographer offers, and what they expect out of the photographer.
- Don't necessarily talk about competitors.
- What you expect of them on the day, and leading up to the day.
- Encourage a waiting period before booking/paying which includes a non-refundable deposit.

- $700 to book date.
- Must be paid in full 2 weeks prior
- Suggest Gift Registry
- Don't back down from the 2 weeks pay.
- Does not do "Payment Plan" unless absolutely neccesary.

- Try to be flexible on $$
- Hi Res images on DVD
- Charge what is given, included non printed edit images.
- Prints at Newlab - Melbourne, and The Edge.

Hassleblad Seminar

- To import photos, select where they go on right side.
- Over exposed use recovery
- Shadows change the value on histogram
- Brightness for midtones
- EV- highlights
- White Balance - adjust w/b to seperate colours as much as possible - Temp&Tint- remember colour wheel.
- Temp to get blue go left to get yellow to right.
- Tint to get green go left to get magenta go right.
- Modify images in arrows tool to right of screen.
- For tethering right click and select designated folder.
- Exporting can export 2 files at once, highres tiffs and jpgs.

Ben Kopilov- Fusion Photography

- Produces album through Dream Productions or Timeless.
- Does not talk about $$ straight away even though customer asks bluntly.
- Get to know family and how they heard of photographer.
- Price (Creative Fee) - No cost to reschedule.
- $220 for time, shooting/viewing
- Full disc & Print quality images - start at $4000
- Price negotiable, less images less $$.
- After framing of images.
- Acknowledge budgets for families.
- Engage children first when greeting first time.
- Hates Flash, uses reflected light.
- Show raw, slightly modified and fully edited images so customer is away of how much work goes into their photographs. include timeline.

Hilary Wardaugh - HWP

- Weddings - 500 images
- Portraits - 70-80 images
- Family Generations - 15-30 images
- Family Portraits - 40 images.

- Cost of product should equal to around 10% of cost to produce.
eg $500 album = $5000 shoot/album.
- To design books use Photojunction, - MomentoPro prints books online.


This shoot is advertising the hand bag - the brand "Guess" is so popular between young women, to older women of all ages really, they can appreciate fine accessories and clothing. The Guess brand is expensive but quality is amazing.


This shoot is of the portrait of a young woman, but also advertising the umbrella. It is a unique fashionable umbrella accessory which suits the model's character to a "tee". She is a flamboyant strong woman, who loves a sense of style :) i simplified her clothing to just white to emphasise the umbrella more so.
For this shot im thinking of a trip-dytch, but not yet sure....