Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Shoot

Ok.... this shoot turned in a disaster. I couldn't work my way around the Speedlites and got frustrated quickly and easily.
My model will willingly reshoot this :)
Im tossing up between continuing with this office environment shoot, or relocating to an empty lecture theatre, with the model as the "student" asleep at his desk.
My concept of this folio is to photoshop in the right coffee type. This first shoot is my espresso shot scene. Ones to follow are; cappuccino, flat white and coffee beans.
Things to do for next time, use mobile lights with modelling lights. I feel more comfortable being able to see where the light is going.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aimee, I like your idea but I'd agree that the execution could be improved. There is however a case for the flat and unflattering lighting that you have on the subject, it reinforces the flat feeling that the subject must have, it looks like a really awful workplace and wouldn't a great coffee bring him back to life. In terms of improving the lighting you could use the flash to suggest a window - in other words - side lighting. Using a relatively slow shutter speed will also make use of the room lighting which will add depth to the shot.
