Sunday, October 24, 2010

Final Report


1."Where I have come from"
2."Where I currently am"
3."Where I am going"

1 - history of past work / past inspiration / education and learning process / goals.
2- current work / working process / lighting diagrams / technical aspects / analysis on final portfolio / current inspirations - especially where my folio evolved from / long term goals / mistakes and techniques learnt /
3- the industry / industry photographers / analysis of inspiration photographs /

Final Exhobition work
Marketing media
"Bond Photography" - business
Self evaluation

Friday, October 22, 2010

UN Botanical Gardens Comp

So i was pumped to take photos for the Botanical Gardens Competition, however what I wanted to shoot were the windmills in Bungendore. (similar to when i took those photos for Sylvia's assignment last year).
I could not borrow a longer lens from CIT as it was borrowed out, and when i went to go shoot, they were way too tiny, so i did a couple landscape shots instead. this is what i came up with. i hope they somehow fit into any of the categories for the competition.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

new website

I have finally got my website up and running,
Made with a templated hosting website called LiveBooks. (note: this does cost $ per.Month).
And Domain name with Crazy Domains.

welcome to:

Please note i have not finished uploading images to my site yet, and finalised contact information.

Friday, October 15, 2010


So i have decided to go into something a little out of the box for me, usually i like to keep to photographing my little objects in the studio, which are nice and easy (usually!), and don't move, they do what they want you to do (sometimes they dont!). I have chosen photographing models focusing on Hair, and/or Makeup. Photographing models in this fashionista high quality scene is not my ideal comfort zone, however wanting to make a future for myself in the advertising commercial industry i am finding it more common that models feature in any sort of advertisement.
So... 4 shoots completed in only 1 week! WHATTTT!? who would have thought i had so much hair left compared to all that ive pulled out... (joking!), but this has been a stressful 2 weeks during the holidays preparing myself for these shoots. i will soon post some photographs which are "inspirations" for my folio. Although i do have to give much thanks to Tina for showing me that fashion photography is not just the clothes.

So... that being said, i think i will need to focus more on lighting techniques, as i don't want them all to have a uniform look in terms of lighting. Perhaps some on scene observing Lam and Tina will help me with more ideas.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Business Cards

These are my business cards, front and back. The photos on the backside will possibly change, and more information to fill in, email and website.

This is a second alternative to the back...To keep Tina happy hahaha