Michelle Aboud - Advertising/editorial/fashion Photographer
-Focusing on colour, texture, design, composition, visual arts within her photography.
-Loves using wide angeled lenses.
-Works collaboratively with the art director before and during a shoot.
-Tries to "pre-visualise" her photographs before the shoot takes place.
-When merging photographs, highly consider shadows.
-Read an image left to right is a key piece in composition.
-Loves using Strip lighting/large soft boxes - Soft lighting with flash.
-Feeling the light can be much more affective than thinking about the light. How the direction goes, the textures it can have. Desaturation in post-pro is much desired.
-Her images look so HDR, and 3D.
-She enjoys being creative with her images, on shoot and pre-shoot.
-While shooting an editorial, she likes to portray the characters of the models/alternatively giving the models a suitable character which suits that particular client/brand.
-She does not retouch her own photographs but does edit to a certain degree.
-She has a really good relationship with her retouchers 10-15years.
-Within a fashion shoot she creates movement with the models, keep it consistent and not rigid.
-Evolving photographs through editing processes - double exposures.
-Must capture the "essence" of the model. If necessary direct the model if she is not doing what you want her to. May need to take her out of comfort zone.
-Loves referencing her photographs from films, especially from America/NY/LA, Europe and from the 70's era.
-The more viewing and reading, the more referencing and creativity can be done and available.
-One inspirational photographer, Jean Loupsieff - French photographer from the 60's. Loved using wide angled 35mm.
-Self Criticism never gets you anywhere.